September Awareness 2018 (Week 5)
Voice of the Poor Ministry
In addition to quietly and discreetly serving families and individuals in need in our Archdiocese, Vincentians also are concerned over the broader issues that affect them. The St. Vincent de Paul Society has a standing committee called the Voice of the Poor ministry with the purpose to educate its members on legislative issues that impact the lives of the poor. Vincentians are urged to identify these negative impacts and share their concerns with those who legislate and administer programs to lessen the suffering of the poor. Some Vincentians also become mentors to people who are having difficulty in managing things in their lives. Waukesha County SVdP, for example, has a program, “Coming Together to Get Ahead” which helps people change their lives.
At St. Vincent de Paul, Fond du Lac we have the “Getting Ahead” Initiative, which helps people change their lives. Click here for more.
How to Participate in the Voice of the Poor Ministry
SVdP thrift stores are a special ministry of SVdP.
- Volunteer to host an ‘awareness table’ at your Council thrift store. Have information available about all SVdP does in your local community. Promote open houses with flyers and signage throughout the Store. Have store discount coupons in local newspapers to encourage new shoppers. Create a festive environment with food, and beverages for shoppers. Consider balloons, popcorn machines, face-painting, clowns! Use your imagination!
- At times, the Voice of the Poor Committee may issue Action Alerts to make Vincentians aware of issues that affect the poor which are before State or Federal legislative bodies. Make sure your conference discusses these alerts. Members of the Society are urged to contact their respective legislators to support or oppose such legislation which affects the poor.
- The primary information sources on most issues are the National SVdP Voice of the Poor Committee, Catholic Charities U.S.A., the United States Conference of Catho-lic Bishops, and the Wisconsin Catholic Conference. Encourage members to sign up for VOTERVOICE on the National SVDP Website located below:
- The Voice of the Poor speaks as a unified voice on behalf of the poor. You can join the Archdiocesan Voice of the Poor committee by attending a meeting. Contact SVDP-Milwaukee (414-462-7837, ext. 101) for its meeting schedule (The commit-tee usually meets on the second Saturday of each month except for July.)
- Members are encouraged to speak at every occasion about the purpose and services of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The names of those we help must remain confidential, but what we do should be much better known.
- Set up a table or booth/display at parish events, handing out literature on the Voice of the Poor and on issues currently before state and federal legislatures.
- Put the Voice of the Poor poster on your parish bulletin board this week.
More About St. Vincent de Paul
- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is one of the oldest and most effective charitable organizations in the world. It was founded in Paris, France in 1833. The United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in 1845, in St. Louis, Mo.
- Began in 2008 to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
- Monies raised are applied to a wide range of assistance to the needy and those living in poverty, including: housing assistance, disaster relief, job training and placement, food pantries and dining halls, clothing, transportation and utility costs, care for the elderly and medicine.
- All proceeds directly benefit people in the communities where the money is raised.
- Each community’s walk is organized and run by its own SVdP Conference or Council.
- The FOP Walks last year were held at over 250 locations around the country, attracted more than 25,000 participants, and raised more than $3.1 million.
- Walkers are encouraged to make a personal monetary donation and collect pledges from supporters.
- Promote the Walk by putting the Walk Poster on your parish bulletin board.
If you are looking to be a part of the St. Vincent de Paul experience in Fond du Lac, we welcome you to visit our thrift store located at:
330 N. Peters Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Our thrift store has many unique items for sale and me take donations as well.
If you want to help with your time, we always have Volunteer Opportunities available. Currently, we are hiring Sales and Warehouse Associates.